Esteemed Awards

Esteemed Awards

Jiang Bingqing has been the Chief Art Director for China Construction Group (中國建築集團藝術總監) over 30 years,  licensed as China's National Senior Craftsman Master (中國高級工藝美術師) and China Arts Association Member (中國美術家協會會員), China Mural Association Member (中國壁畫協會會員). He has won distinguished awards e.g. “Shanghai May Day Labor Medal” (上海五一勞動獎章), “Shanghai Star Art Master” (上海星銳工藝美術大師), “Shanghai Craftsman Medal” (上海工匠) due to his significant art contribution in national and overseas events. He is also appointed as honorable professor at China leading art academy schools to cultivate next generation young talents.

Licenses & Awards:

  • National Senior Crafts Master since 1998 中國高級工藝美術師
  • China Arts Association Member since 2016 中國美術家協會會員
  • China National Arts & Crafts Senior Member 中國工藝美術高級會員
  • China Mural Association Member (中國壁畫協會會員)
  • Distinguished Jiusan Society Member 九三學社社員
  • “2020 Shanghai Star Art Master” 上海星銳工藝美術大師
  • “2018 Shanghai May Day Labor Medal” 上海五一勞動獎章
  • “2017 Shanghai Craftsman Medal” 上海工匠稱號
  • “2014 Shanghai Top 10 Public Environmental Artist” 上海環境藝術十大領軍人物

Art Achievements:

  • 1986-1988, China’s Ministry of Culture selected oil painting <<Chinese Mud Craftsman>> <<The Autumn Mid-Day>> for global exhibitions in Canada, Panama, Mexico and Austria 中國文化部選送組品「做泥翁」「秋日的正午」至加拿大,巴拿馬,奧地利,墨西哥展出
  • 1990, China’s 1st National Intercity Olympic Games selected propylene painting <<Bloom>> <<Fight>> 中國第一屆城市運動會動感畫丙烯作品「綻放」「拼搏」
  • 2010, Shanghai World Expo, completed national largest cloisonne platinum enamel fresco <<Spring of Prosperity>> 上海世博會全國最大珐琅鉑晶壁畫作品「春華」
  • 2010, Shanghai World Expo, contributed to the Denmark Pavilion architect design 上海世博會丹麥館聯合設計師
  • 2012, The National Intellectual Property Design Award for platinum enamel fresco <<Salute to Confucius>> 中國外觀設計專利作品「孔子問禮」
  • 2014, The 12th National Art Exhibition of Fine Arts, China and 3rd Fresco Exhibition selected white marble fresco <<The  Ultimate Master of War - Sun Tzu>> for China’s 65th National Day Celebration 慶祝建國65週年第十二屆全國美展暨第三屆壁畫大展,漢白玉雕塑作品「兵聖-孫子」
  • 2018, The 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization Conference selected three hand-curved lacquer vases <<Garlic-shaped China Landscape>> <<Flower Prosperity>> <<Dual-colored Peony>> for exhibition, preserved in China’s National Museum 第十八屆上海合作峰會御用作品並收藏,手工雕漆作品「山水蒜頭瓶」「花開富貴瓶」「雙色牡丹瓶」
  • 2019, The 13th National Art Exhibition of Fine Arts, China and 4th Fresco Exhibition selected cloisonne fresco <<Spring of Prosperity>> for China’s 70th National Day Celebration. Jiang Bingqing is the only Shanghai artist selected into the National Art Exhibition continuously for 10 years 慶祝建國70週年第十三屆全國美展暨第四屆壁畫大展,珐琅鉑晶壁畫作品「春華」,姜炳清成為上海地區唯一入選十年兩屆全國美展藝術家
  • 2021, The 19th Hangzhou Asian Games contributed white marble fresco <<Life, Sunshine, Passion>> <<Speed and Passion>> 第19屆杭州亞運會,漢白玉雕塑作品「生命、陽光、激情」「速度與激情」

Academic Appointments:

  • Appointed as Honorable Professor at Shanghai Craftsman College, Shanghai Lu Ban Arts Academy and China Construction Group in 2022
  • Appointed as the Honorable Professor at Shanghai Open University in 2022

Media Interviews

Media Reports & TV Interviews

Jiang Bingqing's artworks are widely covered in China and overseas newspapers, websites e.g. China Daily (中國日報), People's Daily (人民日報), Da Zhong Daily (大眾日報), Xinhua Net (新華網), China Defense Department (中國國防部) , Baidu, Sino, Sohu etc. mainstream media.

Jiang Bingqing is invited to public figure TV interviews to share his views on public environmental art design, architecture, city construction in Shanghai Pudong TV (上海浦東電視台), and Shanghai Documentary TV (上海紀實頻道):

  • <<China Craftsman, the Soul of the Era>>「大國工匠,時代之魂」
  • <<Environmental Arts - Better City, Better Life>>「環境藝術,讓城市更美好」
  • <<Communication with Public Environmental Artist Jiang Bingqing>>「環境藝術家姜炳清作客溝通欄目」

China and Overseas Media Reports

Individual Awards

2018 Shanghai May Day Labor Medal Awards Certificate

2018 Shanghai May Day Labor Medal Awards Certificate

2018 Shanghai May Day Labor Medal Awards

2017 Shanghai Craftsman Medal Awards

2017 Shanghai Craftsman Medal Awards Certificate

2020 Shanghai Star Art Master Certificate

2020 Shanghai Star Art Master Certificate

2020 Shanghai Star Art Master Medal Awards

2014 Shanghai Top 10 Public Environmental Artist Awards

Achievements and Certificates

The 13th National Art Exhibition selected cloisonne fresco <<Spring of Prosperity>> for China’s 70th National Day Celebration, 2019

The 3rd National Fresco Exhibition selected white marble fresco <The Ultimate Master of War - Sun Tzu>> for China’s 65th National Day Celebration, 2014

The 12th National Art Exhibition selected white marble fresco <<The Ultimate Master of War - Sun Tzu>> for China’s 65th National Day Celebration, 2014

The 18th Shanghai Cooperation Summit selected three hand-carved lacquer vases <<Garlic-shaped China Landscape>> for exhibition, preserved in China’s National Museum, 2018

The 18th Shanghai Cooperation Summit selected three hand-carved lacquer vases <<Flower Prosperity>> for exhibition, preserved in China’s National Museum, 2018

The 18th Shanghai Cooperation Summit selected three hand-carved lacquer vases <<Dual-colored Peony>> for exhibition, preserved in China’s National Museum, 2018

The 18th Shanghai Cooperation Orgnization Artwork Honorary Credential Certificate, 2018

National Intellectual Property Design Award for platinum enamel fresco <<Salute to Confucius>>, 2012

China’s Ministry of Culture selected oil painting <<Chinese Mud Craftsman>> for global exhibitions in Austria, 1988

China's Ministry of Culture Appointment Certificate for global art exhibition, 1986 

China’s Ministry of Culture selected oil painting <<Chinese Mud Craftsman>> for global exhibitions in Canada, 1987

China’s Ministry of Culture selected oil painting <<The Autumn Mid-Day>> for global exhibitions in Mexico, 1988