Global Exhibition

Global Exhibition Masterpieces

Jiang Bingqing has been appointed by China's Ministry of Culture (中國文化部) to participate in Global Exhibitions with his oil painting artworks in Canada, Austria, Panama and Mexico since 1980s. He contributed prominent artworks for China's 1st National Intercity Olympic Games (中國首屆城市運動會) in 1988, Shanghai World Expo (上海世博會) in 2010, the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Conference (上海合作峰會) in 2018 and the 19th Hangzhou Asian Games (杭州亞運會) in 2021. He is the only Shanghai artist who participated in both 12th and 13th China's National Exhibition of Fine Arts for 10 years (全國美展由中國文化部、文學藝術界聯合會和美術家協會聯合主辦,自1949年首屆舉辦至今,五年一屆,作為中國美術界最權威且規模最大的頂級展覽). 

Jiang Bingqing has recorded over 10+ individual exhibitions, 30+ collective exhibitions across China and overseas. His pieces include oil paintings, Chinese ink paintings, watercolor paintings, public environmental frescos, murals, reliefs, crafts etc. which have been the valuable assets for China culture exchange with diplomatic purposes.

Besides exhibition events, Jiang Bingqing is the pioneer in public environmental architect from white marble fresco to propylene murals for government or state corporations e.g. China FAW Group (長春一汽集團), China Construction Group (中國建築集團), National History Museum (中國歷史研究院).

Landmark Exhibitions:

  • 2023, Fine Art Asia & Ink Asia Hong Kong 香港2023年典亞藝博,水墨藝博個展
  • 2023, Art Dubai 迪拜2023年藝術博覽會個展
  • 2021, The 19th Asian Games, Hangzhou - Marble Fresco <<Life, Sunshine, Passion>> <<Speed and Passion>> 第19屆杭州亞運會,漢白玉浮雕「生命、陽光、激情」「速度與激情」
  • 2020, Shanghai Master Craftsman Art Exhibition - Cloisonne Fresco <<Spring of Prosperity>> <<Salute to Confucius>> 上海星銳美術大師作品展,珐琅鉑晶壁畫「春華」「孔子問禮」
  • 2019, The 13th National Exhibition of Fine Arts, China - Cloisonne Fresco <<Spring of Prosperity>> 第十三屆全國美展,珐琅鉑晶壁畫「春華」
  • 2018, The 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organization Conference - Hand-carved Red Lacquer Vases <<Garlic-shaped China Landscape>> <<Flower Prosperity>> <<Dual-colored Peony>> 第十八屆上海合作組織峰會,手工雕漆作品「山水蒜頭瓶」「花開富貴瓶」「雙色牡丹瓶」
  • 2014, The 12th National Exhibition of Fine Arts, China - White Marble Fresco <<The  Ultimate Master of War - Sun Tzu>> 第十三屆全國美展,漢白玉浮雕「兵聖-孫子」
  • 2012, The National Intellectual Property Design Award Art Exhibition - Platinum Enamel Fresco <<Salute to Confucius>> 全國設計專利獲獎作品展,珐琅鉑晶壁畫「孔子問禮」
  • 1988, China's 1st Intercity Olympic Games - Propylene Mural <<Bloom>> <<Fight>> 中國第一屆城市運動畫大型動感畫「綻放」「拼搏」
  • 1988, Art Vienna International Art Fair, selected by China's Ministry of Culture - Oil Painting <<Chinese Mud Craftsman>> 中國文化部選送參展威尼斯國際藝術展,油畫「做泥翁」
  • 1987, Mexico Fine Arts Exhibition at Mexico City Centre Museum, selected by China's Ministry of Culture - Oil Painting  <<Chinese Mud Craftsman>> 中國文化部選送參展墨西哥國際藝術展,油畫「做泥翁」
  • 1987, Canada International Art Exhibition, selected by China's Ministry of Culture - Oil Painting <<The Autumn Mid-Day>> 中國文化部選送參展加拿大國際藝術展,油畫「秋日的正午」
  • 1986, Panama International Exhibition, selected by China's Ministry of Culture - Oil Painting <<The Autumn Mid-Day>> 中國文化部選送參展巴拿馬國際藝術展,油畫「秋日的正午」

Solo & Collective Exhibitions:

  • 2019, Beijing National Academy of History Museum - Red-Carved Lacquer <<Glorious Civilization>>,  Lacquer painting <<Spring over Households>> <<Spring over Greenwoods>> <<Hundred Horses>> 中國北京歷史研究院,紅色雕漆「燦爛文明」漆畫「萬戶春榮」「萬木春聲」「百駿圖」
  • 2016, China Construction Group Art Exhibition - Fresco <<Dream Sailor>> 中國建築集團藝術展「飾夢,啟航者」
  • 2000, Shandong 2nd New Fresco Art Exhibition -  Fresco <<The Chu River>> 山東第二屆新雕塑創新設計新作展,雕塑「楚江長流」
  • 1990, Shandong 1st Meticulous Painting Exhibition at Shandong Art Museum - Propylene Mural <<Bazha Gala - China Offspring>> 山東第一屆工筆畫展,丙烯作品「巴扎盛會-華夏兒女」
  • 1989, China 40th National Day Art Exhibition - Propylene Mural <<Construction, Constructors>>  建國40週年山東省第二屆藝術節美術作品展,壁畫「建築,建築者」

Landmark Architect Artworks:

  • 2019, Jilin Changchun FAW Group Marble Fresco Exhibition  <<The Red Praise>> 吉林長春一汽集團,浮雕「紅色傳頌」
  • 2018, Jiangsu Nanjing Jiangning Hospital, Fresco <<Life Guard>> 江蘇南京江寧醫院,浮雕「生命衛士」
  • 2012, Anhui Hefei Hilton Hotel, Copper Fresco <<Sky, Land and Human>> 安徽合肥喜來登酒店,鑄銅雕塑「天、地、人」
  • 2010, Shandong Province Community Party Academy - Copper Fresco <<The Land of Qi Lu>> 山東省委黨校,鍛銅浮雕「齊魯大地」
  • 2009, Shandong Supreme Court - Copper Fresco <<Justice>> 山東最高法院,鍛銅浮雕「法正環宇」
  • 2008/1998,  Hubei Daily News Chu Tian  Media Tower - Copper Fresco <<The Light of Chu Tian>> <<The Chu River>> 湖北日報楚天傳媒大廈,鍛銅浮雕「楚天之光」「楚江長流」
  • 1997, Gansu Lanzhou Library - Granite Fresco <<Silk Road>> 甘肅蘭州圖書館,花崗岩浮雕「絲路古韻」
  • 1990, Liaoning Dalian Minzu University, Propylene Mural <<Bazha Gala - China Offspring>>  遼寧省大連民族學院,丙烯壁畫「巴扎盛會-華夏兒女」

Oil Painting

China's Ministry of Culture selected <<Chinese Mud Craftsman做泥翁>> <<The Autumn Mid-Day秋日的正午>> for 1988 Art Vienna International Art Fair; 1987 Mexico Fine Arts Exhibition; 1987 Canada International Art Exhibition; 1986 Panama International Art Exhibition (1986-1988)

China's Largest Cloisonne Enamel Platinum

<<Spring of Prosperity春華>> is China's largest cloisonne enamel platinum artwork designed for 2010 Shanghai World Expo. It presented at the 13th National Exhibition of Fine Arts, China in celebration of China's 70th National Day (2019) and Shanghai Master Craftsman Art Exhibition (2020)

Hand-Carved Red Lacquer Vases

<<Garlic-shaped China Landscape山水蒜頭瓶>> <<Flower Prosperity花開富貴瓶>> <<Dual-colored Peony雙色牡丹瓶>> are designed for the 18th Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit and preserved by China's Ministry of Culture (2018)

Propylene Murals

Propylene Murals <<Fight拼搏>> <<Bloom綻放>> designed for China's 1st Intercity Olympic Games (1988)

Cloisonne Enamel Platinum Painting

<<Salute to Confucius孔子問禮>> won China's Intellectual Property Design Award Exhibition (2012). It presented at Shanghai Master Craftsman Art Exhibition (2020)

White Marble Fresco

<<The Ultimate Master of War - Sun Tzu兵聖-孫子>> presented at the 12th National Exhibition of Fine Arts, China in celebration of China's 65th National Day (2014)

Linen Acrylic Painting

<<Construction, Constructors 建築,建築者>> presented at the 2nd Shandong Fine Art Exhibition in celebration of China's 40th National Day, and preserved by China Construction Group (1988)

Mixed Media Painting

<<Kuafu Chasing the Sun 誇父逐日>> presented at the 7th Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition (2013)